Sunday, April 21, 2024




The proliferation of self-proclaimed subject experts on the social media often creates a doubt in my mind. Each one has a new point of view at complete variance with the other that it is difficult for a common person like me to distinguish the truth from the alternate truth. The time when there was an absolute truth is long gone. Now there is the truth, the absolute truth and the alternate truths, depending on which side you are. For a simpleton like me the Law decided the truth. Unfortunately like the truth, even the word of Law is now open to diverse interpretations. The word of Law has shifted from the law book to the Judges’ words.

The much-touted Freedom of Expression (FOE) has increased our woes. Now the common man needs to find WOE. Wisdom of Examination. The wisdom to not accept everything posted on the social media as the truth. Develop the wisdom for examining what is written, who has written and why should he be writing. Are there any other perspectives of the issue? Such an examination will often show us that those influencers peddling fake news or having sinister agendas often focus only on the negative aspects of the subject. They seldom have a balanced viewpoint. We common people need to separate the wheat from the chaff and consume social media responsibly.

Once I was speaking to a group of students about examining an issue and respecting diverse views. I happened to be carrying a Vicks inhaler in my pocket. I took it out and asked the class what it was. Most of them said “Sir, Vicks inhaler.” There was one student who very hesitantly said, “Sir, key chain”. The rest of the class burst out laughing. I was so relieved to find an independent thinking student. I looked at the student questioningly. “Sir, it has got a key ring also at the other end.”

This is the kind of thinking process that we need to inculcate in our students and the youth. Perhaps the answer to dealing with the toxicity of the social media lies in promoting such thinking.



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